Thursday, December 3, 2009

All alone...

When I need someone to talk..
There will be no one..
And i will be alone..
Alone again and again..

Maybe I am the one..
But this is me..
I am sorry for not being good..

Am I wrong when I ask for a little care..
Am I wrong when I ask for his love..
Am I wrong when I ask to be with me while there other person with him..

It really hard to understand..



.zara. said...

knpe nie..??
sde prob ea...
nak share pape ngn zara..??
sabar ea...
senyum selalu... =)

Tinta Ana said...

hidup ni mesti ada pasang surut kan..normal prob je..ur caring make smile~


chEntA said...

mungkin insan yg ana kehendaki itu kebizian..